We'll Get you the Ingredients; You Serve 'em Fresh

While our fellowship is unable to meet because of COVID-19 restrictions, we will post a recommendation here for each household to use in worship on the Lord's Day.

  • April 26th, 2020

    Scripture Reading: 1 Timothy 3:14–16

    Prayer: Holy Father, there is none like you. You alone are God. Who is like Your people—the redeemed, the beloved, the elect, the saints? The saints are a delight because they are Yours. Forgive us that we disrespect you Father for failing to love and appreciate our brothers and sisters, brought near to us by the blood of Christ. We thank you that you build Your church and you build it around Christ, and not our selfish interests. May the diversity of the church testify to surpassing worth of Christ by the unity and fellowship we have in the Spirit. May your manifold wisdom in the revelation of the mystery of Christ be made known through Your church. For the glory of Him in whose name we pray, the exalted Lord Jesus Christ, we ask these things, Amen!

    Hymns: Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery, O Church Arise

    Sermon: 1 Timothy 3:14–16 || The Church and the Mystery

  • April 19th, 2020

    Scripture Reading: Habakkuk 3:17–19

    Prayer: Holy Father, though all around us fails, we will trust you, for you never fail. You are faithful and true. Your promises are certain. As the sun is not less luminous for the clouds, so you are not less glorious for our suffering. Your glory never fades. You are as worthy of praise in famine as in feast. Have mercy on us, for so often our expressed joy and gratitude towards you still centers on ourselves and our comfort. May your stripping the field of straw be so that oaks of righteousness might grow. Root our joy and hope in you alone Father, for when the rains cease, we know you are a fountain that will not run dry. In the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.

    Hymn: Though You Slay Me

    Sermon: Habakkuk 3:17–19 || How to Grow a Symphony

  • April 12th, 2020

    Scripture Reading: Habakkuk 3:1–16

    Prayer: Holy Father, You are omnipotent. The heavens declare Your glory. What is man's nuclear fission in comparison to the nuclear fusion of the Sun? And you are the God of stars! Who can stand before You in your wrath? In Your wrath, remember mercy. Forgive us that we have turned even our prayers to fuel our unbelief rather than our confidence in You. In our trials, turn our eyes away from the temporal and onto the eternal—turn our eyes to You. May we be moved from petition to praise. Thank You Lord, that You have gone out for the salvation of Your People. Your King has crushed the serpent's head. Our greatest foe has been defanged. Victory has been accomplished and its fullness is our certain inheritance. As we turn to You, may the fruit of joy grow out of the soil of our confusion. In the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, we ask these things of you holy Father. Amen.

    Hymn: Not in Me

    Sermon: Habakkuk 3:1–16 || Habakkuk's Prayer

  • April 5th, 2020

    Scripture Reading: Habakkuk 2:5–20

    Prayer: Father and Lord, how awesome you are in your righteous judgment and wrath. Who can stand before you in your holiness? Have mercy on us Lord for our selfish hoarding and for the arrogant building of our own kingdoms. Forgive us when we use others for our own gain. We, even after knowing your grace, return to our dead idols. We thank you Lord, that your Son bore the woes of our sin that we might be blessed for His righteousness. May these woes of judgment pronounced on the wicked move us to repentance and lead us into righteousness. May the sin we hate most be our own. And yet, Father, we thank you and take comfort that you do not idly look at evil. Come Lord Jesus! Amen.

    Hymn: I Asked the Lord that I Might Grow (Alternate Version)

    Sermon: Habakkuk 2:5–20 || Woes of the Puffed Up Soul

  • March 29th, 2020

    Scripture Reading: Habakkuk 1:12–2:5

    Prayer: Holy Father, Covenant Lord, you are from everlasting. We shall not die. You are righteous and the Judge of all the earth. No one lies outside Your jurisdiction. Forgive that we think You idle and blind. Forgive us that we think You disinterested and distant. Where we have sinned for doubting Your promises for the presence of persecution and peril, have mercy on us. Thanks be to you, for your are never at loss or late. You have appointed all things, things that work together according to your plan for our good. We are like children judging time by so small a reference point. May we trust You, our wise Father, that our lives are but a vapor and then, life eternal in knowing You. Sustain and sanctify our faith while we wait for your promises to ripen. Amen.

    Hymn: Lord from Sorrows Deep I Call

    Sermon: Habakkuk 1.12–2:5 || Learning To Lament (Part 2)

  • March 22, 2020

    Scripture Reading: Habakkuk 1:1–11

    Prayer: Father, you are good and you are sovereign. Praise be to you, for you are immutable. Forgive us that in a world that changes, we forget that you change not. Forgive us that we are so short sighted, forgetting the whole story and its promised end. Thank you Father that the very trials that cause us to falter, You use to sanctify. We believe; help our unbelief. In the strong name of Jesus we pray, amen.

    Hymn: Lo the Storms of Life are Breaking (lyrics and music) (audio)

    Sermon: Habakkuk 1.1–11 || Learning To Lament (Part 1)